--- kind: pipeline name: build and deploy deploy_commands_alias: - &deploy_commands commands: - echo "deploy $DEPLOY_USER@$DEPLOY_HOST:$DEPLOY_DIR or $${DEPLOY_DIR}" - echo "$DEPLOY_KEY" | sed 's/!/\n/g' > deploy_key - chmod 0600 deploy_key - echo "echo something otherwise the next line unterminated quote" - ssh -i deploy_key -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $DEPLOY_USER@$DEPLOY_HOST rm -Rf $${DEPLOY_DIR}/output/ - scp -r -i deploy_key -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no output $DEPLOY_USER@$DEPLOY_HOST:$${DEPLOY_DIR} steps: - name: markdown lint image: pipelinecomponents/markdownlint:latest commands: - mdl . - name: build pelican image: apihackers/pelican commands: - pelican content -o output -s pelicanconf.py - name: deploy staging image: kroniak/ssh-client environment: DEPLOY_USER: from_secret: deploy_user DEPLOY_HOST: from_secret: deploy_host DEPLOY_KEY: from_secret: deploy_key DEPLOY_DIR: /srv/http/blog-dev <<: *deploy_commands when: branch: exclude: - master - name: deploy live image: kroniak/ssh-client environment: DEPLOY_USER: from_secret: deploy_user DEPLOY_HOST: from_secret: deploy_host DEPLOY_KEY: from_secret: deploy_key DEPLOY_DIR: /srv/http/blog commands: <<: *deploy_commands when: branch: include: - master