% require texlive \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{moderncv} \moderncvtheme[blue]{classic} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[scale=0.8]{geometry} \firstname{Nicolas} \familyname{Laurenti} \title{System administrator – devops} \address{6C, rue du Cherche–Midi}{44200 Nantes} \email{nicolas.laurenti@kleph.eu} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Experience} \cventry{2011--2021}{Voyages-Sncf.Com Technologies / oui.sncf}{functional test automation (selenium) – integration – software factory}{Nantes}{gitlab, gitlab CI/runner, jenkins ``as a service'' on DC/OS cluster, nexus, artifactory, docker, puppet, rundeck, orchestration vers k8s}{} \cventry{fall 2010}{Capensis}{SSLL – Integration – Level 3 Support – Training}{Nantes / Lille}{Supervision (nagios shinken), zimbra, Xen, Debian, VPN, routing}{} \cventry{2008--2010}{TranquilIT Systems}{System Administrator}{Nantes}{Managed services with FOSS (Xen, Debian, Mandriva) – Passive terminals (LTSP) – Supervision (Nagios, RRD) – System programming}{} \cventry{2006--2008}{TMG}{System Administrator}{Nantes}{Peer to peer Technologies} {Protection and diffusion limiting over p2p networks. System and network administrator on P2P plateforms. Architecture design} \cventry{spring 2004}{L.E.S.T.E.R/C.N.R.S}{Consultant Sysadmin}{Lorient}{Laboratoire d'Électronique et des Systèmes TEmps Réel (LESTER)}{State of the Art on IPSec and IPv6 in order to study protocol integration in embedded systems} \cventry{spring 2003}{FIBAT}{Developer}{Séné}{Software company specialized in construction}{FIBAT (Séné) – Resources management software (Delphi, Access and SQL)} \cventry{summers 2001–2005}{BNP Paribas}{Lorient / Brittany}{Multiple missions}{(Windows, OS/2, backups, antivirus, software deployment, IT Asset Management)}{} \section{Education} \cventry{2005}{Licence Informatique}{Génie Logiciel / LMD}{Brest}{}{} \cventry{2004}{Licence Professionnelle}{Sécurité et Qualité des Télécommunications}{Université de Tours}{Blois}{} \cventry{2003}{DUT Informatique}{Génie Logiciel}{Université Bretagne Sud}{Lannion / Vannes}{} \cventry{2001}{BAC S}{option mathématiques}{}{}{} %\cventry{annee}{titre}{description}{italique}{}{} \section{Languages} \cvitem{French}{Mother tongue}{} \cvitem{English}{Casual and technical}{} \section{Computer science oriented skills} \cvitem{Systems}{Good knowledge about Linux kernel. Linux on ARM (Atmel sama5, Raspberry Pi and Nintendo DS)} \cvitem{DevOps}{Gitlab CI, gitea, drone, jenkins, DC/OS, k8s basics (k3s)} \cvitem{Virtualisation}{KVM, Xen, ESX, Solaris zones, IP virtualisation on Linux, containers} \cvitem{Services}{Supervision, Ansible, LDAP, SMTP, DNS, SGBD (PostgreSQL, basics on other engines and NoSQL), 3-tier Web, POP, IMAP, VPN} \cvitem{Languages}{Python, shell, C, assembly (x86, amd64, a bit of ARMv5), perl, notions de java, go, C++ and delphi} \section{Miscellaneous} \cvitem{FAImaison}{Sysadmin for FAImaison (associative ISP in Nantes)} \cvitem{blog}{\url{https://blog.kleph.eu}} \end{document}